Breast Reduction
This patient suffered from the usual upper back & neck pains, bra strap grooving, and rashes due to her large breasts. She underwent reduction by Dr. Geiger using a superomedial pedicle, Wise-pattern scar technique. This technique removes the lower and outer breast tissue, and keeps the remaining upper breast tissue for nipple support. The final inverted-T shaped scars allow removal of additional sagging skin. This allows for a more rounded shape, medial fullness, projection, and longevity to the final breast appearance. Liposuction was used for sculpting of the outer breast tissue and chest wall for even more improvements. This patient had 940 grams removed from the right breast, 911 grams from the left plus additional lipoaspirates of 600cc right and 700cc left. This equates to nearly 6.9 pounds of relief! She looks and feels great with her new, more manageable size and shape.