Nipple Sparing Reconstruction
Surgeries performed by Dr. Scott Geiger and Dr. John Hulsen in Chesterfield, MO just outside of St. Louis.
Patient 1
This patient has a genetic mutation placing her at high risk for future breast cancer. She underwent bilateral nipple sparing mastectomies via a lower outer fold incision with placement of subpectoral tissue expanders and alloderm. This was later exchanged for smooth round silicone implants giving her an amazing appearance, well hidden scar, and nearly eliminated […]
Individual results may vary.
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Patient 2
This patient was at high risk for future breast cancer. She underwent bilateral nipple sparing mastectomies via a lower outer fold incision with placement of subpectoral tissue expanders and alloderm. This was later exchanged for smooth round silicone implants giving her an amazing appearance, well hidden scar, and nearly eliminated risk of future breast cancer. […]
Individual results may vary.
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Patient 3
This patient had a prior subpectoral breast augmentation. She developed right breast cancer and underwent double mastectomies through a concealed lower outer breast fold incision. In the same operation she underwent direct to implant reconstruction with smooth round silicone implants placed under the muscle. […]
Individual results may vary.
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Patient 4
This patient had prior breast reductions. She was later found to have a high risk for breast cancer and underwent prophylactic double mastectomies through her prior fold incisions. She had reconstruction several weeks later including removing unhealthy tissue around her left nipple, and expander + Alloderm reconstruction under the muscle. She later had exchange to […]
Individual results may vary.
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Patient 5
This patient had moderate preoperative breast asymmetries with very tight nipple to fold distance on her right breast. She developed right breast cancer and underwent bilateral nipple sparing mastectomies through wavy incisions just lateral to her nipples. She had immediate subpectoral (below the muscle) reconstruction with tissue expanders and alloderm. She progressed through expansion while […]
Individual results may vary.
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Patient 6
This patient developed left breast cancer. She initially had a lumpectomy performed by an upper outer incision near her armpit but the tumor was unable to be fully cleared. Thus she underwent left nipple sparing mastectomy through an outer breast fold incision, incorporating and removing her prior lumpectomy scar. She had immediate prepectoral (on top […]
Individual results may vary.
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Patient 7
This patient developed left breast cancer. She underwent nipple sparing mastectomy through a lower breast fold incision. She had immediate subpectoral (under the muscle) tissue expander placed with an Alloderm sling for support. She had delayed recovery of her left nipple after the mastectomy, but was ultimately able to be expanded to a larger size […]
Individual results may vary.
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Patient 8
Nipple Sparing Mastectomies, Subpectoral Expander to Smooth Round Silicone This patient developed left breast cancer. She underwent nipple sparing mastectomies through a lower breast fold incisions. She had immediate subpectoral (under the muscle) tissue expanders placed with an Alloderm sling for support. She had further treatment with chemotherapy before exchange of her expanders for the […]
Individual results may vary.
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Patient 9
This patient developed breast cancer and underwent bilateral nipple sparing mastectomies through an incision hidden in her lower, outer breast fold. She had immediate prepectoral (on top of the muscle) reconstruction with tissue expanders. She later underwent exchange to the latest generation, highly cohesive (gummy bear) smooth round silicone implants giving her desired fuller appearance. […]
Individual results may vary.
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Patient 10
Nipple Sparing Reconstruction This patient previously underwent lumpectomy of a concerning lesion in the right breast leaving her with a deformity and tightness of the lower pole of that breast. She later developed a cancer on the right requiring additional treatment. She underwent bilateral nipple sparing mastectomies excising her prior lumpectomy scar on the right, […]
Individual results may vary.
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