Breast Augmentation
Surgeries performed by Dr. Scott Geiger and Dr. John Hulsen in Chesterfield, MO just outside of St. Louis.
Patient 1
This patient desired a subtle enhancement to her breasts. She wanted enough to fill out but not too much that anyone would know she has implants. She underwent breast augmentation with Dr. Geiger who placed smooth round gummybear implants (385cc full profile soft touch) under the muscle in a dual plane approach. These were placed […]
Individual results may vary.
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Patient 2
This patient was unhappy with her deflated breast appearance. Given the small amount of overhang she has to the lower breast, Dr. Geiger offered both a breast lift with augmentation or a subfascial breast augmentation to better fill out the lower pole. Ultimately we decided to avoid the additional scars around the nipple and pursue […]
Individual results may vary.
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Patient 3
This patient desired a little more fullness and perkiness to her breasts – enough to fill things out but natural enough that no one will know. Here she is after her dual plane breast augmentation with low plus profile 335cc/320cc implants for that perfect gentle, slope and fill. She had some fat grafting to the […]
Individual results may vary.
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Patient 4
This patient desired enhancement to her breasts. She wanted enough to fill out but not too much that anyone would know she has implants. She underwent breast augmentation with Dr. Geiger who placed smooth round gummy bear implants (505/470cc high profile) under the muscle in a dual plane approach. These were placed through incisions hidden […]
Individual results may vary.
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Patient 5
This patient desired a more fullness and perkiness to her breasts. She underwent breast augmentation with placement of smooth, round, implants (Sientra 505 cc high profile) under the muscle. She looks amazing with additional cleavage, upper pole fullness, and perkiness to her new breasts. […]
Individual results may vary.
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Patient 6
This patient desired increased fullness and projection to her breasts. She underwent bilateral dual plane breast augmentation through small incisions hidden in her breast folds for an amazing look! Implants: Highly Cohesive Mentor MemoryGel High Profile 350cc. […]
Individual results may vary.
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Patient 7
This patient desired a little more volume to her breasts. Dr. Geiger performed a breast augmentation with 295cc moderate profile implants for a fantastic, fuller, yet natural look. […]
Individual results may vary.
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Patient 8
This patient had prior augmentation elsewhere with textured, shaped implants. She was unhappy with the different appearances and fold asymmetries. She underwent removal of her old and partially rotated implants, elevation of the left breast fold, lowering of the right breast fold, and further release of her lower midline left breast. She underwent exchange to […]
Individual results may vary.
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Patient 9
This patient desired a little more fullness and shape to her breasts, without feeling too large or “fake” appearing. Dr. Geiger performed a breast augmentation through small incisions hidden along the breast fold for an excellent outcome. Here she is ~4 months later looking and feeling amazing. Implants: Natrelle SSF 325cc bilaterally. […]
Individual results may vary.
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Patient 10
This patient had a prior subglandular breast (over the muscle) breast augmentation by another surgeon years ago. She was unhappy with the visible rippling and desired more volume. Dr. Geiger performed pocket exchange, putting her new gummy bear implants under the muscle. This helps to add some additional padding over the implants in the cleavage […]
Individual results may vary.
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