Prepectoral Reconstruction
Surgeries performed by Dr. Scott Geiger and Dr. John Hulsen in Chesterfield, MO just outside of St. Louis.
Patient 21
This patient underwent double mastectomies and immediate prepectoral (on top of the muscle) reconstruction by another surgeon. She was unhappy with her size and appearance. Dr. Geiger performed bilateral total breast envelope fat grafting and subsequent exchange to fuller, more projecting highly cohesive (gummy bear) implants for a significantly improved appearance. […]
Individual results may vary.
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Patient 22
This patient developed bilateral breast cancers. She underwent double mastectomies through breast reduction-type incisions (Wise Pattern) to remove excess skin and allow better reshaping of the breasts. Dr. Geiger placed Natrelle SCF 485cc smooth, round, highly cohesive (gummy bear) implants on top of the muscles for a prepectoral reconstruction. These were secured in place with […]
Individual results may vary.
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Patient 23
This patient was at high risk for future breast cancer. She underwent bilateral nipple sparing mastectomies via a lower outer fold incision. She had immediate reconstruction with shaped, gummy bear implants in the prepectoral space (on top of the muscle) all in a single operation. Her end result is an amazing appearance, well hidden scar, […]
Individual results may vary.
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