Face Procedure

Conveniently located to serve St. Louis

Introducing our comprehensive range of transformative face procedures, designed to elevate your natural beauty and help you achieve your desired aesthetic goals. Facial plastic surgery procedures can address a wide range of aesthetic concerns and enhance various aspects of the face. At Chesterfield Plastic Surgery, our experienced team of skilled professionals is committed to delivering exceptional results with your face procedure in St. Louis, ensuring your utmost satisfaction.


Turn back the hands of time with an expertly performed facelift procedure. Address sagging skin, deep folds, and jowls to achieve tighter, smoother, and rejuvenated facial contours. Our surgeons will tighten underlying facial tissues, reducing wrinkles and restoring a more youthful appearance.

Neck Lift

Enhance your facial profile with a neck lift procedure to improve the appearance of the neck and jawline. Our surgeons will trim away sagging skin, remove excess fat deposits, and address muscle laxity in the neck area, resulting in more defined and younger-looking neck contours.

Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

Reclaim a more alert and vibrant look with eyelid surgery. Our surgeons will address drooping eyelids and puffy undereye bags by altering the skin, fat, and muscles, leaving you with a more refreshed look.


With an otoplasty procedure, also known as ear surgery, our surgeons can correct protruding or misshapen ears and improve symmetry. Surgical reshaping of cartilage and repositioning of one or both ears as needed will result in a more balanced and natural look.


Experience non-surgical facial rejuvenation with cosmetic fillers, also known as dermal fillers or soft-tissue fillers. Fillers are composed of materials that mimic ones that occur in the body. These substances are injected into targeted areas of the face to balance and restore volume, smooth away wrinkles, and enhance facial contours.


Say goodbye to fine wrinkles like frown lines and crow’s feet with Botox Cosmetic injections. By temporarily blocking nerve signals to overworked facial muscles, Botox relaxes the muscles to reduce age lines.

Facial Fat Grafting

Facial fat grafting, also known as facial fat transfer or fat injection, will restore volume and improve contours. Our surgeons will harvest and purify fat from one part of the patient’s body and injecting it into the face to restore the more youthful appearance associated with plumper skin density.

Brow Lift

A customized brow lift procedure involves tightening the tissues of the forehead. With a forehead lift, we can correct drooping eyebrows, smooth away forehead wrinkles, and achieve a more refreshed and engaged appearance.

Lip Augmentation

Achieve fuller, more defined lips with our lip augmentation procedures. Whether you desire subtle volume or a more dramatic pout, our lip enhancement techniques can create the perfect shape and plumpness.

Face Procedure Consultation

During your face procedure consultation, our surgeons will conduct a thorough assessment of your facial features, skin condition, and aesthetic goals. To ensure your safety, they will review your health and medical history and develop a tailored plan to create your rejuvenated look.

Contact Our Office

Our surgeons can help you reverse the signs of aging with a face procedure in St. Louis. Schedule your personalized consultation and begin your journey to a fresh and revitalized look.